Monday, February 1, 2010

New roommate

How sweet the feeling of the warm spot a dog leaves behind when it’s been sleeping there all afternoon. I was able to recall this comforting sensation when my dog came for a visit to the farm yesterday. Today however, the black blob that I remember so clearly lying on my bed just a few hours ago has been replaced by a much smaller black blob. A tiny black lamb that is at this very moment wandering around my trailer, investigating the few square feet that make up my floor space and nudging inanimate objects in search of milk. Abandoned by her mother at birth, I have somewhat inadvertently accepted the responsibility for her well-being.

Today has been a momentous day; first I experienced what it’s like to be literally boxed in when I constructed 277 CSA boxes for Joaquina in the shop. Then, Rawley and I spent the entire day making chicken feed, carefully measuring out portions to keep a somewhat balanced 4:1 starch to protein ratio. But none of these new experiences came even close to the life that I have now been put in charge of. Every four hours my new wobbly-legged friend needs to be fed and I have already had to clean up quite a few “leaks”. Nonetheless I can already tell this will be more than worth it.

But I can already tell it will all be more than worth it.