Wednesday, November 25, 2009're supposed to be thankful at this time of year, right?

Today I lived in a cloud of flour all day. Made two pumpkin pies, two pumpkin breads (with winter luxury pumpkins from Pie Ranch!) and will soon finish a few batches of cookies. It was the perfect day: clear blue skies, falling leaves, warm, crisp, beautiful.
Alas half way through my baking craze I ran out of flour and oil so I ran to the store....On my way in I saw a man writing with chalk on the cement side of a planter box, the owner of the store stood above him, talking about how it was illegal to write on private property. I didn't think much of it except that I thought it was silly since it was just chalk he was writing with.
On my way out, the drawing man was gone but the owner remained, scrubbing away at what I now saw was an "I love you Brooke" sign. WHAT. A. GRINCH. Some people just have no heart sometimes.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

No more pie: Part I

Last day at Pie Ranch was today. Celebrated really well by spending the day working and then going to the barn dance. Excited to move on to other things but it will be sad not going back. And I will miss driving the stretch of Route 1 between San Fran and Davenport every week...