Thursday, January 7, 2010

Destined for the chopping block.

On the farm, so much happens in one day that it’s hard to remember everything you did even if it was just a few hours ago. I had almost forgotten to write about another escaping animal incident that happened earlier in the day. Before lunch I was heading back to my trailer to shed a layer of clothing when I looked over at the pigs and noticed one of the piglets running around on its own. I went over to see what was going on and saw that two of the farm dogs had already spotted the problem and were herding the piglet my way from the other side. I leaned down to grab him and accidentally let him go when I heard the horrid screeching noises he immediately started making. My ears must have been in shock because this irritating noise exponentially increased the already existing noises that Julia (mama pig) was making from inside her pen, screaming and banging angrily against the wood. Luckily, Caitlin came over just in time and the poor terrified piglet, cornered from all sides, squeezed his way back through the cracks in the wood making it back to his mother.


I’m already looking forward to another exiting pig day because we’re going to have to castrate all three piglets tomorrow.

I'm both excited and nervous to watch this happen because these days the piglets are looking oh so cute and it's hard to think of having to do that to them. Unfortunately this is not all they will have to go through since they are already technically on death row. Having been on farms for long enough now, I have learned that anytime an animal is preggers you have to just cross your fingers and hope it's a girl or else, certain death. 

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