Thursday, January 21, 2010

A day without water.

Taken from a journal entry on 1/20:

Right from the start, today has been full of adventure. Starting at 3 in the morning I was awoken by the wind that seemed to almost tip the trailer. At the same time the two dogs that I am watching over (Charlie and Lila) began barking furiously at the crazy weather. Later at 5am, the door blew open and I awoke to find a puddle in my living room. After carefully tying the door shut I crawled back to bed for a few more hours until my alarm went off. Climbing out of bed I was met by two eager faces and I continued on to do my morning routine. But as I switched on the light, I was stopped short. I tried multiple lights until my sleepy brain finally made the connection between the weather and the lack of electricity. 
As I had predicted, I emerged to find the farm turned upside down. No water + no power = maaaaajor setback. As I'm sure some smart person must have once said, "You don’t really realize how much you use it until you lose it."
Anyway, the rest of the day was spent trying to cope without power because everything seems to take so much longer without it. First thing in the morning I set off to milk the cow and then realized there was no water with which to clean her udders. After strategically placing buckets under a few roofs, I managed to find water and went to milk. On my way back I decided to cook lunch for the hungry farmers only to realize there was no water to boil food with. After eating, I instinctively walked over to clean eggs and then once again found that no water came from the tap.
Oh the irony that we panic about losing water the same day that buckets are pouring from the sky...

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