Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cape Clear adventures: Part II

Finally on the road agina, the wild magenta foxgloves and crashing surf no longer interested us as we spent the next twenty minutes discussing the world of Ed. Deep in conversation not realizing where we werwe going, the terrain suddenly changed infront of us. We rounded the bend to find a small gull-filled lake surrounded by cows and horses. Opening our map again we read that it was a magical lake that the villagers used to wash their clothes in. After reading that it was also capable of removing calouses and warts, Marion and I decided to climb down and dangle our feet in the water. Within seconds, a swarm of tiny insects gathered on our skin and begin to nible away! At first we jumped back in surprise but after regaining courage we managed to stay in longer the second time. The pinching hurt slightly but nevertheless we sat with our toes in teh water beneath the "No Swimming" sign for something like ten minutes, way below the suggested 45minute callus-removing time limit.
When our feet had dried off we set off walking again to visit Giana's other friend, Cathy, who had recently opened up a cafe on the island. We quickly ducked in to have a tea with her before running back down to the dock so as to not miss the last ferry home. The way back was peaceful with a soft light and almost no waves we rode back into shore while all the while the captain sang us Irish songs over the loudspeaker.

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