Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Months ago as I was walking home to my trailer one night I shone my headlight down into the meadow below only to find four or five pairs of glowing green eyes fixed on me. I stood frozen for a minute staring, until the adrenaline must have kicked in and I found my legs again, taking off as fast as I could towards my trailer and slamming the door shut behind me. I have since learned that those eyes were probably harmless, just a handful of feral cats that like to prowl. But ever since that night I started thinking more about eyes.
In the thick of lambing season, I compared the almost reptilian pupils that goats have to the slightly tamer lamb eyes I became so familiar with. I then moved on to noticing the funny chickens whose eyes only have one lid that closes from the bottom up and later the cows with their gargantuan eyeballs. Then one day when I brought this all up to Rawley he pointed out how unsettling the pigs' eyes were with their uncanny human resemblance.
Following these discussions and observations I have decided that a photographic study of farm animal eyes is in order. So far it has proven easier said than done due to the bad combination of a slow camera and fast moving/disobedient subjects, but I expect a final project sometime in the next week.

1 comment:

  1. Great project! I have a book of photos of human eyes that I need to show you.
