Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a day!

My day in a word: action-packed. And very invigorating! Read on:
1) After a lot of charging, snorting and even a bitten leg (!) we finally managed to castrate the final piglet.
2) Milked the two cows (Arnica and Mapache) and the goat (Neo).
3) Fed 12 lambs.
4) Chuy gave me two packs of tamarind candy since I told him I missed Mexican candy. It was so good, now I'm planning a trip to La Superior in Woodland so I can stock up on all my guilty pleasures.
5) Killed, plucked, and gutted all 18 roosters.
6) In a few minutes managed to accidentally give away almost all of my tamarind candy to the workers after I presented it to a group of people and they all took me up on the offer.
7) Ate lunch which consisted of a lot of fried kidneys and sautéed liver and onions that Joe made as a sort of joke. (I opted out since I was still sick and the faces of the roosters were still too recent in my mind.)
8) Fed 11 lambs. Sergio has been bugging me all week to feed the lambs which is the cutest thing coming from such a tiny, stalky, pot-bellied man. Brought Poppy over to where he was pruning plums so that he could feed her. He giggled the whole time.
9) Sorted chilis in the greenhouse so that we could later plant the seeds. Subsequently blew my nose with my handkerchief and accidentally rubbed chili powder ALL over my raw nose and a bit in my eyes and mouth. Then spent ten minutes heaving outside.
10) Practically dove into the shower after work to rid myself of the chili and the chicken smell.
11) Fed some stale crackers to the momma sow so that she might like me better.
12) Next, I'm heading over to donkey basketball in Esparto. Which is, strangely enough, exactly what it sounds like. It literally IS donkey basketball. It's a face-off between the seniors and the teachers. Everybody rides rubber-boot-wearing donkeys in the gym and then they try to score on each other. I still haven't figured out if they're all pulling my leg but I will soon find out!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun, painful, exciting and hilarious day!! What happened with donkey basketball? that sounds a little ridiculous to me...

    come visit me when you go to woodland! we can get lunch! (come on a monday or wednesday)
