Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Having just been born Saturday night, Poppy successfully remained a name-less lump of wool until today. Up until now everyone simply called her “the little black lamb” or “my little furry friend”, but that was getting tiresome. Unhappy with her nameless state we spent all day yesterday and today trying to find a name that fit. The first suggestion was to call her Beatrice but after spending enough time with her I didn’t think it fit quite right so I kept searching. Joe wanted something bold and courageous like Braveheart or something but that didn’t seem to stick either. It wasn’t until today that I was weighing 577 bags of spinach leaves in the shop with the women that we found something a bit more promising. When I asked them for name suggestions they laughed and shrugged it off but after I pried a bit harder, Panchi finally suggested calling her “Amapola” which means poppy in Spanish. Even though Panchi had never even met the little lamb, I knew right away that it fit her well. If nothing else, she was a perfect representation of a poppy seed, small and black.

For the last part of the day I’ve started calling her Poppy and Amapola interchangeably, which is a working example of my naming dilemma. I had initially wanted to name her something that could be translated to both English and Spanish. But after hearing Panchi say “Amapola”, I couldn’t think of a better name so I decided we would just have to deal with the language barriers. The current problem was pointed out by Rawley today which is that when you say Poppy in a Spanish accent it sounds a bit like you’re saying Papi, which is a completely different thing. Due to these complications the name is not set in stone yet but I’m thinking she’s just going to have to be spunky lamb with a spunky name.

1 comment:

  1. haha, i was thinking about nicknames in my head and i said, "ammmi, ammy..." but then that sounds like mami. so either mami or papi :) but you know, it can be like when you call little kids 'papi', it's sweet...
